How to Turn Valuable Customer Data Into Impactful Marketing Campaign in 4 Easy Steps (That Retain Customers Better)


Sep 6, 2020 • 10 min read

newsletter sept 2020 topik 2

What do I do with the customer data that I have right now?”

A lot of our clients expressed a concern that once the CRM system that we provided for them started to generate large scale customer and transactional data, then it will be easy for them to become lost in translation.

In CRM, having your customer data is one thing, utilizing it to create an impact is another. Imagine if you can make use of your customer data more effectively and create your very own campaign to  increase repeat customers and improve customer retention.

In this post, we will walk you through how you can turn your customer data into something valuable and insightful, and how you can use that data to create a more impactful marketing campaign. 

Please note that although the bigger concept that we elaborate here is applicable to all businesses, regardless of your CRM tools, all the steps detailed here are done using our dashboard capability. If you are our client, you can learn more by joining our dashboard class, if you are not, but you feel like this is something that you are looking for in your business, feel free to contact us for a demo on our services.

Step 1: Define your business and marketing objectives

This might sound obvious at first. You might already have both of these objectives figured out, right? And most objectives would sound something like “so my customers will return” or “to increase my revenue of course!” 

Though both look like good objectives at first, imagine if your marketing objective sounds more like:

  • To increase the average visit of my customers by 10% by 1 month
  • To increase sales of X product by 20% in two weeks
  • Increase my website traffic by 50% compared to last month

By adding numbers and a specific period, you can create a more tangible objective that is measurable in the future. Think of this as your KPI. Having such measurable objectives will help you create your marketing campaign.

A few tips and tricks to create a very good business or marketing objective is to use the SMART method. SMART stands for:

  • Specific: Your objective should be clearly defined or identified
  • Measurable: At the end of the campaign, you should be able to say whether the campaign is successful or not
  • Attainable: Your objective should be as realistic as possible so you’ll know you can achieve it
  • Relevant: Your goal should be aligned with your business
  • Time-Based: You should know when you will evaluate your campaign, for example, by adding information such as “in 1 month” to describe your timeline

Step 2: Know your target audience

In this part, you will learn how to use your most ideal customers to your advantage. At first, you might not have a clue who your ideal customers are. You’re still gathering enough data and insights. 

But as time progresses and with the increase in your customer’s database, you’ll get a rough idea who your ideal customers are. The next step is for you to classify your customers based on certain parameters such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Transactional Behavior
  • City or Region, etc.

If you already use our dashboard, we have provided some of the data in the Members tab. Simply go to Member Summary and you’ll likely to see information such as age and gender.


By looking at that chart, we can see there are more female customers compared to males and most of them are at the age of 25 – 34. By now, you should have a general idea of how you will create your campaign. 

In addition to age and gender information, we’ve also provided more information such as birthdays, or maybe the last transaction date of a certain member. In this case, we will look for members that haven’t made any transaction for the past 3 months. You can do this by going to the members detail menu and selecting the Last Transaction filter.

There are plenty of filters that you can use in this menu based on your need and what kind of data you want to see.

Step 3: Start creating your campaign

When you already know your marketing objectives and target audience, it’s time for you to create your marketing campaign. 

But before you create your campaign, you need to consider a few things, such as:

  • Channel: It depends on how urgent and how complex your message is. Choosing the right channel can determine the success of your campaign.
  • Content: Make sure you create a message that is relatable and relevant to your audience.
  • Timing: Consider the time of day that you send your campaign. It might often affect your Click Through Rate.
  • Frequency: Sending too many campaigns might harm you in the process, as customers will most likely churn if they receive too many messages. Consider having a limit on how many campaigns you’ve sent.

So let’s break it down one by one.


Choosing the right channels

If you open the Create Campaign Menu in the dashboard, you will see a lot of campaign channels options such as push notifications, emails, SMS, even in-app messages.

Choosing the right channels depends on two factors, the complexity or richness of your content and the urgency of your campaign. Here’s a graph to help you to better understand this concept.

Using push notifications is a great idea if you have an urgent and simple message since push notification will only have a short attention span. But if you have more complex or rich content in your campaign, using email might be a good idea. After you’ve chosen the right channel for you, it’s time to write your content.

Writing your content

During the content ideation process, it is important for you to remember the goal of your campaign. Is it to encourage customers to buy a certain product? Or is it to incentivize them for performing? Or maybe you just want to inform your customers about an upcoming promo. One of the tricks to possibly increase the conversion rate is adding a sense of urgency and a clear call to action for your customers, such as shown in the image below.

Words like ‘Reserve my seat now!’ indicates a clear call to action for the customers. In addition to that, sentences like ‘Time left until webinar starts’ or using dates shows a sense of urgency to make customers register as early as possible before the seat runs out.

Knowing the goal of your marketing campaign will help you create a more relevant message to your customers.

Another way to create a more attractive campaign is by using images. An image tells a thousand words after all, right? You can ask your designer team to create one for you. The good news is, you can upload it easily when you create your campaign using our platform. When you create the campaign, just click the Upload Image button and upload the creative.

Timing and Frequency

The last checklist that we have for creating a campaign is deciding when and how often would you like your customers to receive the campaign. This is useful when you have a promo on the same day of each week or each month. With the help of our platform, you can do exactly that.

For example, if you have a promo every week on Friday, then you might as well create a campaign with a weekly recurrence. This feature is available on our platform, simply create a campaign and turn on the recurrence toggle, click the Daily option, and type in a number that represents your recurrence. In this case, we will use 7 days because we want to have a weekly campaign.

You can also choose what time of day the customers will receive the message. Choosing the right timing also plays an important part when you create a marketing campaign. It increases your relevancy in the eyes of your customers. 

If you have a promo during lunch, make sure you send it in the morning so your customers can visit you during lunch and enjoy the promo. In this case, we will set the campaign to start on 25 August 2020 at 7 am.


Step 4: Monitor the results

Once you’ve run your campaign, it’s now time to see the result of your campaign. In this part, you will learn how you can evaluate your campaign to be more effective in future marketing campaigns to get more loyal customers.

To know your campaign performance, go to Campaign > Campaign History > Click your Campaign Title

The statistics will show you how your campaigns are performing. As you can see, there are metrics such as Open Rate, Conversion Rate, and many more. You can use this statistic to evaluate your campaign and make a better campaign in the future.

You can also see the list of members that open your campaign in the recipient list section. You can filter different statuses such as Delivered, Clicked, and Converted. 

You can download the list of the recipients and create a custom list to blast another campaign. This will result in a better conversion rate in your next campaign.


Having customer data is a good thing, but making the data into something meaningful is a different thing. If you know how to navigate through your data and use it to make a campaign, then rest assured you will have more loyal customers and increase your customer retention rate.