Having dedicated and well performing employees is one of the keys to business success. However, today’s competitive environment presents new challenges for companies to recruit and retain the best talents.
So it's not surprising that more companies have started to pay more attention to their employee engagement strategy to keep key talent happy by making them feel engaged, valued and appreciated.
Tokopedia, a leading marketplace with more than 6,000 employees, has just launched a new feature in its internal employee application, MyNakama, called the Spot Award feature which is integrated with the Tada rewards catalog.
So, what is this latest feature like and its relationship with employee engagement?
Spot Awards; Nakama Appreciation Program with Tada Rewards Platform
As an Indonesian technology company with a leading marketplace, Tokopedia has more than 6,000 Nakama (Tokopedia employees) who are at the forefront of providing innovative products and services to its users.
To build a supportive work culture that will allow Nakama to continue growing, Tokopedia's People and Culture Team continues to experiment and look for new ways to create a #NakamaExperience or experience that is unique to each Nakama.
As a result, Tokopedia launched the Spot Award, a feature in the MyNakama internal application where leaders can immediately give appreciation and rewards easily and on time to the chosen Nakama without having to go through a long and complicated process.
Rewards given can be in the form of e-vouchers or reimbursement. Tokopedia uses the API Integration service from Tada to make it easier for Nakama to choose their own rewards through the rewards catalog.
According to Tokopedia's VP of People, Nanang Chalid, the Spot Award feature is an innovation that makes it easier to give appreciation to build a memorable #NakamaExperience that is in line with Tokopedia's DNA #MakeItHappenMakeItBetter. This feature is also expected to inspire Nakama to continue to be enthusiastic in working through technology to support Tokopedia's mission of achieving digital economic equality in Indonesia.
Tada Supports Tokopedia Innovation
With the Spot Award feature, the leaders at Tokopedia can immediately give rewards to Nakama through their internal application. Rewards can be in the form of e-vouchers which are available in various types in the Tada catalog, as well as reimbursements.
The integration between the Tada Rewards Platform and Tokopedia allows Leaders to choose various types of rewards according to their budget and Nakama can choose their own reward if they receive a reimbursement.
This way, the appreciation process for a job well done and other milestones can be carried out quickly and on target so that employees can be more motivated and feel appreciated for their hard work.
A positive corporate culture like this is certainly very relevant in today's working conditions, hybrid mode, to build more productive and innovative human resources. The collaboration between Tokopedia and Tada can be used as an example of a unique employee engagement strategy that can also be applied to other companies.
Tada, as the leading loyalty & rewards platform in Indonesia, hopes to be able to facilitate more companies in digital transformation efforts in the field of human resource development. Request our demo now to find out the best solution for your business.